Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Assignment #2: Reflecting "Letter from Birmingham Jail" within How Autism Affects Schooling

With my research on how Autism affects a child's schooling, I want to find new ways that a teacher can help a child adapt in the classroom so that their schooling could improve. I hope to see more and more special needs children in regular classrooms learning, with help from teachers, how to function in a "regular" classroom. I also hope to see more children being more confident in themselves and improving in school, just like MLK Jr. wanted the black citizens to stand up for themselves, be confident and fight for their freedom.

Throughout my research and at the end, I hope to move teachers of autistic children, but also the parents and children themselves. I hope to move the teachers and show that children with special needs, like autism, can function in the same classroom as other students just in a different way. These children deserve to be treated like other students and not blocked off. I want to move the parents and let them realize, more than already do, that their child has the potential to develop just as well as other students. The children themselves just need to realize that they are like everyone else and can do just as much.

My research is here to find out how children with autism get through the school day and how it is affecting their grades among other things. I have done a little research and found that children with autism learn less from the environment and have to have a very structured schedule to get through the day. With that information, I wish to find out how well a child does in school when they have a schedule and what happens when they do not.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Blog Assignment #1 Genetic Disorders and School

I am very interested in researching how disorders like Down syndrome and Autism affect a child’s school development and success. I am interested in this topic because it is related to my major, Elementary Education. I know there are many children that with these diseases that do very well in school, and then there are others that do not do well.  With this project I want to find out not only how, but why these two disorders affect children and their schooling the way they do. At the moment I do not know much about this topic, but with this project I hope to educate myself more and be able to understand the affects these disorders have on children.
With this project, and the proper research I hope to not only educate myself, but also other people. I hope this research will explain why and how children with Down syndrome and Autism develop in school compared to those of other children. I would also like to find out if there is a better way to help these children in school.
For the topic I have chosen there are different artifacts that I could work with. I could interview a teacher that has taught both special needs children and children without disorders. An interview would allow me to get a teachers point of view on the subject, and one that has first-hand experience with how a child with one of those disorders develops in school compared to other children.  A video would be a good artifact because it would show exactly how a child with Down syndrome or Autism functions in school. PowerPoint presentations would allow me to show charts on how children with these disorders develop compared to those children without. I would also be able to explain what is being showed and why. Traditional papers would allow me inform other people why and how the disorders are affecting children in school. I am looking forward to working on this project and finding out more information.