Saturday, April 2, 2011

Blog #10

Now that I have finished my second artifact I am starting to put together my ideas for my next artifact. The third artifact I have decided to do is to create two different journals. One journal will be from the view point of a parent with an autistic child and the other journal is with a parent that has a "normal" child. With the journals I am planning to write summary of what went on during their day and how the children act and what the children do. At the beginning of the journal with the autistic child I am going to put a schedule of what the child does throughout the day and at what time, because they need a routine schedule. I have started working on the information that I am going to out in the journal, all I have to do now is make up what goes on during the day(s). I am hoping to be done with my artifact by the middle of next week so I can start putting it all together and figure out how I am going to present them. I am excited to create the journals because they will bring together all the information that I have found out about the different autism spectrum disorders.